We are so excited to finally have a little more understanding of how the new iOS 15 update has impacted our use of our devices. iOS 15 came out on September 20th for all users and has a variety of new features to enhance your experience.
Paired with ScreenKit, these updates truly allow you to have the most aesthetic and functional phone for your lifestyle.Below are our top 10 favorite tips and tricks for the iOS 15 update to improve functionality, productivity, and more.
Let us know what your favorite tips are in the comments!
iOS 15 tips and tricks:
- Learn to use Focus Modes to help your productivity! Sleep, Drive, and Do not Disturb modes have been available, but with the new iOS15 update they have now included Personal and work modes.
a. You can set up Focus profiles by heading to Settings > Focus. You’ll find preset modes for generic Do Not Disturb, along with Sleep, Personal and Work. The Personal and Work profiles need to be set up.
b. Tap on either and follow the on-screen instructions to customize the focus mode, and once complete, you can activate it via the Control Center. Focus profiles are extremely customizable, so you can truly create something that works for your lifestyle!
- Utilize Group Tabs in Safari to help organize information, wishlists, research, and more.
a. Hit the tab button at the bottom right of the window to see the grid of tabs you already have open.
b. Hold down the tab number at the bottom of the screen so you can group the tabs in question or create a completely new group of empty tabs to play around with.
- SharePlay feature allows you to share video and websites with people on Facetime so you can watch together!
a. Start the FaceTime app on your iPhone and initiate a call.
b. When the call has connected, tap the SharePlay button at the top-right corner of the screen in the new control panel.
c. Tap Share My Screen in the dropdown. After a three-second countdown, screen sharing will initialize.
d . Now navigate to the TV app or another streaming app, select something to watch, then press Play.
e. Select SharePlay when the prompt asks you if you want to SharePlay content. Other people on the call will also be asked whether they want to join SharePlaywith you.
4. Live Text allows you to take text from a live picture that is typed or handwritten, to use in a text field.
a. To use the iPhone’s new feature, long-press inside a text field as if you are going to use the copy and paste function. Only, you’ll now see a Scan Text button. You may also see a button that uses just the scan icon instead which is an icon with brackets.
b. Tap the button, which will then replace your keyboard with your iPhone camera’s viewfinder. Point your camera at whatever you want to scan, and then follow the prompts on the screen to help you capture the text.
c. As you’re lining up the camera and text just right, you’ll see a live preview of the text your iPhone is identifying and ready to place in your text field. Tap the Insert button when you’re ready. This is great for written notes you want to share with someone, getting phone numbers easily stored, transfering notes to your phone, and more!
- Recovery Contacts— For any reason that you are locked out of your account or device, your recovery contact person can give you a key to log back in. Below are the instructions to retrieve the recovery key. To set your contact person, follow the same settings
a. Go to Settings, then tap your name.
b. Tap Password & Security > Account Recovery.
c. Tap your contact’s name, then tap Get Recovery Code.
d. When your friend is ready, read them their recovery code. After they enter it ontheir device, they’ll be able to reset their password and regain access.
- Schedule your notifications— you can now group your notifications to show at a specific time of your choosing. No more random notifications in the middle of your work meeting or late at night!
a. To set it up, head to Settings > Notifications > Scheduled Summary and toggle it on. You’ll then be prompted to set up the system, adding the apps you’d like to contribute to the notification summary, and set the time or times you’d like it to appear.
- Facetime anyone! Even on Android/Windows devices by creating a link to the video. Here are the instructions:
a. Start the FaceTime app on your iPhone.
b. Tap on Create Link.
c. Give your FaceTime Link a name by tapping Add Name at the top of the Actions menu that appears.
d. Select a method of sharing your link from the Actions menu.
e. Once you’ve sent the link and the recipient opens it, they’ll be directed to a web page where they can enter their name to join the conversation. Once they’ve joined the call, they’ll have the usual FaceTime options to participate like in a normal Facetime call.
- Organize your notes in a way that works for you! You can now use hashtags to more conveniently sort and categorize random and spur of the moment braindumpsand notes. If you’re someone who uses Shared Notes, you can also @ individuals and view edit history in a new Activity section.
- Keep the safari search button on the bottom of your screen or move it back to the top! With iOS 15 we see a change in Safari with the search bar moving to the bottom of the page. Don’t like the change? When using Safari on your iPhone, tap the Aa button on the address bar, just a tap works! At the top of the menu that shows up you’ll see a new option labeled Show Top Address Bar. Tap it to move the address bar back up top.
- Have your own personal noise machine from your phone! Background Sounds is similar to a noise machine, but this is baked into Accessibility settings. You get six sound options: balanced, bright, or dark noise, ocean, rain, and stream.
a. To activate ‘Background Sounds’ on your iPhone, head to Settings > Accessibility > Audio/Visual > Background Sounds. From here, you can tap the toggle at the top to turn on the sound, set a volume level, change sounds, etc.
Need help setting up your screen to match your aesthetic? Check out our support! Or sign up for our emails to be the first to know about new themes.
Just remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made & God loves you. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ!
If you have not yet given your life to Jesus, here’s a prayer that will help you devote yourself to God.
Dear God, I come before You today with a humble heart and surrender my life to You. I believe that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God and was born free of sin, died on the cross as a payment for my sins, and rose three days later. Today I invite Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour. By faith I receive Your free gift of salvation and eternal life because of the holy sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God, today I repent and turn from my old way of life. Lord Jesus Christ, please come into my heart by Your Holy Spirit. God, I thank You for Your love and calling me Your own. In Jesus Name, Amen.